About Scrum
An Empirical Framework
Scrum is a framework for product development using cross-functional teams. It emphasizes empirical (real world) feedback and team self management.
Scrum provides a structure of roles, events, rules, and artifacts. In this framework, teams must create and adapt their own ways of working.
Scrum uses fixed-length iterations, called Sprints. Sprints can be no longer than a month, and preferably a week or two. Teams try to develop a usable, potentially shippable, properly tested product increment every Sprint. An increment that is shippable to its end user — not just handed off internally— closes the Sprint’s feedback loop.
An Alternative to Waterfall
Scrum’s incremental, iterative approach trades the traditional phases of “waterfall” development for the ability to deliver small features first, then to revise plans based on ongoing discovery.

Figure 1. Traditional “waterfall” development depends on a perfect understanding of the product requirements at the outset and minimal errors executing each phase.

Figure 2: Scrum blends all development activities into each iteration, adapting to discovered realities at fixed intervals.
Scrum is for complex work involving knowledge creation and collaboration such as new product development. Its use has also spread to the development of products such as semiconductors, mortgages, and wheelchairs.
Doing Scrum, or Pretending to Do Scrum?
Scrum’s reality checks expose harmful constraints in individuals, teams, and organizations. Many people claiming to do Scrum modify the parts that require breaking through organizational impediments and end up robbing themselves of most of the benefits.
Scrum Team
- Sometimes called “developers” but intended to be cross-functional, e.g., including members with testing skills, designers, domain experts, data scientists, business analysts, etc.
- Self-organizing / self-managing, without externally assigned roles.
- Plans one Sprint at a time with the Product Owner, and other teams if applicable.
- Owns how to develop the increment.
- Owns both internal collaboration and external collaboration (e.g., working with other teams, clarifying details with end users, etc.).
- More successful when located in one team room, particularly for the first few Sprints.
- More successful with long-term, full-time membership. Scrum moves work to a flexible learning team and avoids moving people or splitting them between teams.
- Around six members, give or take a few.
- No appointed lead. On a healthy team, leadership emerges and shifts naturally.
Product Owner
- Maximizing the value of the development effort by declaring vision and priorities.
- Only one per product, even with multiple teams.
- Constantly re-prioritizes the Product Backlog, adjusting any long-term expectations such as release plans.
- Final arbiter of requirements questions.
- Decides whether to release the product.
- Decides whether to continue developing the product.
Scrum Master
- Works with the organization to make Scrum possible.
- Ensures Scrum is understood and can be enacted.
- Creates an environment conducive to team self-organization.
- Shields the team from external interference and distractions to keep it in group flow (a.k.a. the zone).
- Promotes improved engineering practices.
- Has no management authority over the team.
- Helps resolve impediments.
- Serves the team, the Product Owner, and the organization.
- See also https://scrummasterchecklist.org
Scrum Events
Sprint Planning
At the beginning of each Sprint, the Product Owner and team(s) plan which Product Backlog Items they will try to convert to working product during the Sprint. The Product Owner declares which items are the most important to the business. The development team is responsible for selecting the amount of work they feel they can implement without accruing technical debt. The team selects work from the Product Backlog for the Sprint Backlog.
Declaring a Sprint Goal can increase focus on the big picture.
Software development has inherent uncertainty. Teams can really only guess how much work to select each Sprint, while learning from previous Sprints. Traditional habits of trying to plan by hourly capacity can make the team pretend to be precise and reduce ownership of the plan. While relative estimation (e.g., “story points”) may help, it’s often led to the same problem: the over-certainty that numbers imply, an example of what Luke Walter calls left brain poisoning. Some teams produce better Sprint plans by ditching quantitative practices.
Until a team has learned how to complete a shippable product increment each Sprint, it should reduce the feature scope that it plans, while increasing emphasis on testing, integration, and source code understandability. Failure to change old habits leads to technical debt and eventual design death, as shown in Figure 16.
A portion of Sprint Planning may be needed to further refine the selected items.
In the last part of Sprint Planning, the team forecasts how it will accomplish the work. For example, they may break the selected items into an initial list of Sprint Tasks.
The maximum allotted time (a.k.a. timebox) for planning a 30-day Sprint is eight hours, reduced proportionally for a shorter Sprint.

Figure 5: Sprint Planning outcome is selected Product Backlog Items (PBIs) and subordinate Sprint Tasks.
Daily Scrum and Sprint Execution
Every day at the same time and place, the team spends 15 minutes inspecting their Sprint in progress and creating a shared plan for the day.
Standing up at the Daily Scrum helps keep it short. Topics that require additional attention may be discussed after the event by whomever is interested.
Teams find it useful to gather around information radiators such as a physical task-board.
During Sprint execution, it is common to discover additional work necessary to achieve the Sprint goal.
The Daily Scrum was intended to disrupt old habits of working separately, but by itself has not proven sufficient. Teams can increase collaboration further with techniques such as mob programming.
During the Sprint, the team strives for a rigorous definition of done. For example, a software item that is merely “code complete” is not done because untested software isn’t shippable. Incomplete items are returned to the Product Backlog and ranked according to the Product Owner’s revised priorities as candidates for future Sprints.
Sprint Review
The purpose of the Sprint Review is to inspect the Product Increment and adapt plans for it. The participation of customers, end users, and other interested parties provides information the Product Owner may consider acting on.
The Scrum Master may help the Product Owner and stakeholders convert their feedback to new Product Backlog Items for prioritization by the Product Owner. New scope discovery usually outpaces the team’s rate of development. If the Product Owner feels that the newly discovered scope is more important than the original expectations, new scope displaces old scope in the Product Backlog. Some items will never be done.
New products, particularly software products, are hard to visualize in a vacuum. Many customers need to be able to react to a piece of functioning software to discover what they will actually want. Iterative development, a value-driven approach, allows the creation of products that couldn’t have been specified up front in a plan-driven approach.
Sprint Retrospective
Each Sprint ends with a retrospective. The team, Product Owner, and Scrum Master reflect on their own way of working together. They inspect their behavior and take action to adapt it for future Sprints.
Dedicated Scrum Masters will find alternatives to the stale, fearful meetings everyone has come to expect. In-depth retrospectives can happen in an environment of psychological safety difficult to create in most organizations. Practices such as performance appraisals and the job title ladder hamper full trust and teamwork. But without safety, the retrospective discussion may either avoid the uncomfortable issues or deteriorate into blaming and hostility.
A second impediment to insightful retrospectives is our human tendency to jump to conclusions and propose actions too quickly. The book Agile Retrospectives suggests steps to slow this down: Set the stage, gather data, generate insights, decide what to do, close the retrospective. (1)Agile Retrospectives, Pragmatic Bookshelf, Derby/Larson (2006) Another useful book, The Art of Focused Conversations, suggests focusing on steps in this order: Objective, Reflective, Interpretive, and Decisional (ORID). (2)The Art of Focused Conversations, New Society Publishers (2000)
A third impediment to psychological safety is geographic distribution. Dislocated teams rarely bond as well as those in team rooms.
Scrum Masters use a variety of techniques to facilitate retrospectives, such as silent writing, timelines, and satisfaction histograms. The goals are to gain a common understanding of multiple perspectives and to develop actions that will take the team and organization to the next level.
Large Scale Scrum adds on Overall Retrospective to resolve cross-team problems, and problems with the organization’s structure and policies.
Backlog Refinement
(Note for test takers: This is not an “event” in single-team Scrum.)
Product Backlog Items (PBIs) initially need refinement because they are too large or poorly understood. Teams use some of every Sprint (say 10%) to prepare the top of the Product Backlog for upcoming Sprints.
In Backlog Refinement, large vague items near the top are split and clarified, considering both business and technical concerns. Sometimes a subset of the team and others (e.g., customers, end users) will draft and split Product Backlog Items before involving the entire team.
While refining items, the team may estimate the amount of effort they would expend to complete items in the Product Backlog and provide other technical information to help the Product Owner prioritize them. (3)Add a Tooltip Text
It is common to think of a Product Backlog Items as a User Story. (4)User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development, Addison Wesley, Cohn (2004) In this approach, oversized PBIs may be called epics.
Traditional approaches breaks features into sequential tasks (resembling waterfall phases) that cannot be prioritized independently and lack business value from the customer’s perspective. This habit is hard to break.
A skilled Scrum Master can help the team identify thin vertical slices of work that still have business value, while promoting a rigorous definition of “done” that includes proper testing and refactoring.
Agility requires learning to carve out small product features. For example, in a medical records application, the epic “display the entire contents of a patient’s allergy records to a doctor” yielded the story “display whether or not any allergy records exist.” While the engineers anticipated significant technical challenges in parsing the internal aspects of the allergy records, the presence or absence of any allergy was the most important thing the doctors needed to know. Collaboration between business people and technical people to split this epic yielded a story representing 80% of the business value for 20% of the effort of the original epic.
Slicing large items shortens the end-to-end cycle time with users, accelerating the discovery of their real needs.

Figure 6: During Backlog Refinement, large PBIs (often called “epics”) near the top of the Product Backlog are split into thin vertical feature slices (“stories”), not horizontal implementation phases.
Scrum Artifacts
Scrum defines three artifacts: Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Increment.
Product Backlog
- Force-ranked (prioritized) list of desired functionality
- Visible to all stakeholders
- Anyone can suggest items
- Constantly re-prioritized by the Product Owner
- Constantly refined by teamwork
- Items at top should be smaller (e.g., smaller than 1/4 of a Sprint) than items at bottom
Product Backlog Item (PBI)

Figure 8: A PBI represents a customer-centric feature, usually requiring several tasks to achieve definition of done.
- Describes the what (more than the how) of a customer-centric feature
- Often considered a User Story
- Has a product-wide definition of done to prevent technical debt
- May have item-specific acceptance criteria
- Time/effort estimate, if used, is provided by the team, ideally in relative units (e.g., story points)
Sprint Backlog
- PBIs selected by the team during Sprint Planning, plus their continuously-updated plan to accomplish them (e.g., Sprint Tasks)
- Initial tasks are identified by the team during Sprint Planning
- Team will discover additional work needed to meet the Sprint Goal during Sprint execution
- No changes are made during the Sprint that would endanger the Sprint Goal
- Visible to the team
- Referenced during the Daily Scrum

Figure 9: Sprint Backlog is best represented with an “information radiator” such as a physical taskboard.
(Potentially Shippable Product) Increment
- The product capabilities completed during the Sprints.
- Brought to a usable, shippable state at least by the end of each Sprint, or more frequently than that.
- Released as often as the Product Owner wishes.
- Inspected during every Sprint Review.
- Definition of Done is a standard applied to all PBIs from all contributing teams. For example, all new changes should:
- Be properly tested.
- Be fully integrated.
- Be peer reviewed or developed by pair/mob programming.
- Be documented (when applicable).
- Maintain or improve source code understandability.
Sprint Task (optional)
- Describes how to achieve the PBI’s what
- Typically involves one day or less of work
- Owned by the team; collaboration is expected

Figure 11: Sprint tasks required to complete one backlog item require a mix of activities no longer done in separate phases (e.g., requirements elicitation, analysis, design, implementation, deployment, testing).
Sprint Burndown Chart (optional)
- Summation of total team work remaining within one Sprint
- Updated daily
- May go up before going down
- Intended to facilitate team self-organization, not as a report
- Fancy variations, such as itemizing by point person or adding trend lines, tend to reduce effectiveness at encouraging collaboration
- Seemed like a good idea in the early days of Scrum, but in practice often misused as a management report, inviting intervention. Discontinue use of this chart if it reduces team self-management.
Product / Release Burndown Chart (optional)
- Tracks the remaining Product Backlog effort from one Sprint to the next
- X axis is time in Sprints
- May use relative units such as Story Points for Y axis
- Depicts historical trends to adjust forecasts

Figure 13: A Release Burndown Chart variation popularized by Mike Cohn. The red line tracks PBIs completed over time (velocity), while the blue line tracks new PBIs added (new scope discovery). The intersection projects release completion date from empirical trends.
Multiple Teams
Your Organization is Designed to Impede Agility
Introducing Scrum without simplifying the organization’s structure and policies leads to change theater and no real improvement. Large organizations are usually just pretending. (5)“Seven Obstacles to Enterprise Agility,” Gantthead, James (2010) http://scrumreferencecard.com/7-obstacles-to-enterprise-agility/ Successful adoptions of Large Scale Scrum are both top down and bottom up.
Scrum addresses uncertain requirements and technology risks by grouping people from multiple disciplines into one team — in one team room — to increase bandwidth, visibility, and trust.
Adding too many people to a team makes things worse. Grouping people by specialty also makes things worse. Grouping people by architectural components (a.k.a. component teams) makes things worse.
Feature Teams
Fully cross-functional “feature teams” are able to operate at all layers of the architecture in order to deliver customer-centric features to end users. In a large system, this requires learning new skills.
As teams focus on learning — rather than short-term micro-efficiencies — they can help create a learning organization.
One Product Backlog, One Product Owner
In Large Scale Scrum, multiple teams share a single Product Backlog prioritized by a single Product Owner. They share the responsibility of maintaining this backlog. To avoid asynchronous dependencies, they collaborate across teams in one shared Sprint, using overall and multi-team versions of the events described in this card, often with team-appointed representatives. (6)See http://less.works to learn about Large Scale Scrum As in single-team Scrum, they attempt to develop one properly tested, integrated, shippable product increment every Sprint.
Related Practices
Scrum is a general framework coinciding with the Agile movement in software development, which is partly inspired by Lean manufacturing approaches such as the Toyota Production System. (7)Agile movement defined at http://agilemanifesto.org
Extreme Programming (XP)
While Scrum does not prescribe specific engineering practices, Scrum Masters are responsible for promoting increased rigor in the definition of done. Items that are called “done” should stay done. Automated regression testing prevents vampire stories that leap out of the grave. Design, architecture, and infrastructure emerge over time, subject to continuous reconsideration and refinement, instead of being “finalized” at the beginning, when we know almost nothing.
The Scrum Master can inspire the team to learn engineering practices associated with XP: Continuous Integration (continuous automated testing), Test-Driven Development (TDD), constant merciless refactoring, pair programming, mob programming, frequent check-ins, etc. Informed application of these practices prevents technical debt.

Figure 16: The straight green line represents the general goal of Agile methods: early and sustainable delivery of valuable features. Doing Scrum properly entails learning to satisfy a rigorous definition of “done” to prevent technical debt. (Graph inspired by discussions with Ronald E. Jeffries.)
Team Self-Management
Engaged Teams Outperform Manipulated Teams
During Sprint execution, team members develop an intrinsic interest in shared goals and learn to manage each other to achieve them. The natural human tendency to be accountable to a peer group contradicts years of habit for many workers. Allowing a team to become self-propelled, rather than manipulated through extrinsic punishments and rewards, contradicts years of habit for many managers. (9)Intrinsic motivation is linked to mastery, autonomy, and purpose. “Rewards” harm this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc The Scrum Master’s observation and persuasion skills increase the probability of success, despite the initial discomfort.
Challenges and Opportunities
Self-organizing teams can radically outperform larger, traditionally managed teams. Family-sized groups naturally self-organize when the right conditions are met:
- members are committed to clear, short-term goals
- members can gauge the group’s progress
- members can observe each other’s contribution
- members feel safe to give each other unvarnished feedback
Psychologist Bruce Tuckman describes modes of group development as “forming, storming, norming, performing.” (10)“Developmental Sequence in Small Groups.” Psychological Bulletin, 63 (6): 384-99 Tuckman, referenced repeatedly by Schwaber. Optimal self-organization takes time. The team may perform worse during early iterations than it would have performed as a traditionally managed working group. (11)The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High-Performance Organization, Katzenbach, Harper Business (1994)
Heterogeneous teams outperform homogeneous teams at complex work. They also experience more conflict. (12)Group Genius: The Creative Power of Collaboration, Sawyer, Basic Books (2007). (This book is #2 on Michael James’s list of recommended reading for ScrumMasters.) Disagreements are normal and healthy on an engaged team; team performance will be determined by how well the team handles these conflicts.
Bad apple theory suggests that a single negative individual (“withholding effort from the group, expressing negative affect, or violating important interpersonal norms” (13)“How, when, and why bad apples spoil the barrel: Negative group members and dysfunctional groups.” Research in Organizational Behavior, Volume 27, 181–230, Felps/Mitchell/Byington, (2006) ) can disproportionately reduce the performance of an entire group. Such individuals are rare, but their impact is magnified by a team’s reluctance to remove them. This can be partly mitigated by giving teams greater influence over who joins them.
Other individuals who underperform in a boss/worker situation (due to being under-challenged or micromanaged) will shine on a Scrum team.
Self-organization is hampered by conditions such as geographic distribution, boss/worker dynamics, part-time team members, and interruptions unrelated to Sprint goals. Most teams will benefit from a full-time Scrum Master who works hard to mitigate these kinds of impediments. (14)An example detailed list of full-time Scrum Master responsibilities: http://ScrumMasterChecklist.org
When is Scrum Appropriate?

Figure 17: Scrum, an empirical framework, is appropriate for work with uncertain requirements and uncertain technology issues. [Extensively modified version of a graph in Strategic Management and Organizational Dynamics, Stacey (1993), referenced in Agile Software Development with Scrum, Schwaber/Beedle (2001)]. Process Dynamics, Modeling, and Control, Ogunnaike, Oxford University Press, (1992).
Also consider whether there is sufficient commitment to grow self-organizing teams.
How can I get a printed glossy version of the reference card?
Send me a private email (mj4scrum at Google’s mailing service dot com) with mailing address and desired quantity and we’ll mail them out to you.
Please do not post your street addresses here, as everyone in the world will be able to read them.
Can you please mail 2 glossy of the SCRUM Reference Card to:
Tanishia Williams
P.O. Box 22603
Oakland, CA 94609
This information is extremely helpful in gaining information and application of concepts to SCRUM Project Management. I am new to the project management field, do you recommend any types of certifications that I should obtain to validate my aptitude and knowledge of project management methodologies?
This is great information. We are moving to scrum and this gives me great insight into the process.
If you have any reference cards still available I would love 5 for my team.
Stephanie Dalton
9 Grandview Avenue
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Will you please send me a glossy copy of the reference card?
Laura Barrow
2108 East South Blvd.
Montgomery, AL 36116
Can you please send me 10 glossy copies?
Please send to:
5324 Zenith Ave S.
Minneapolis, MN 55410
Can you please send 5 Glossy Copies to
1719 Crossings Blvd
Shakopee, MN 55379
I’d like 2-3 as well if they’re still available. Address is:
604 Arizona Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Thanks so much!
Please see me a PDF copy of this! Great read thanks! I have a question – Are time estimates done in actual times like hours etc? I have a colleague who says it goes by complexity only points. I don’t understand how you would get a time from this? The way I understand time estimates, is review each story. Get it a rough time estimate of completion along with a complexity number i.e for very complex features 5, relatively straight forward features 1. Then X them together? Any techniques here would be great!
Thanks in advance.
Archie – Project Manager, coming away from PRINCE 2 > Agile :D
Archie, the PDF is here: http://scrumreferencecard.com/ScrumReferenceCard.pdf.
Regarding estimation, you may enjoy this example Backlog Refinement Meeting.
Usually the problems we’re trying to solve with estimation are better solved by breaking the stories into smaller ones (and only doing the important ones). If we’re also keeping the product in a shippable state at all times, deadlines become less stressful.
I also would like a glossy copy. Please send it to: 18137 197th Pl NE, Woodinville WA 98077
Thanks, Ron
Can you please send me 2 glossy cards to
Hayley Hinkle
UPMC Technology Development Center
Bakery Square, Suite 200
6425 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Appreciate it!!
We have been developing solutions using a similar concept but i like the more efficient approach and your detailed documentation. I would like 3 copies of your Glossy reference card if possible. Our address is:
Calabria Technology
8757 Auburn Folsom Road, #2070
Granite Bay, CA 95746
Thank you,
Michael Fruci
Hello, could I please get 5 glossy SCRUM reference cards mailed to:
Carrie Johnson
1523 Hawthorne Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15201
Thank you so much. Your information is extremely informative.
Please send me 5 glossy reference cards.
Sabrina Vollrath-Bueno
FIU Online
11200 SW 8th Street
Mango Building, Room 650
Miami, FL 33199
Thank you,
Thank you very much for this online lesson. The presentation is very simple and provided a good knowledge of the Scrum. Please send me the glossy version – 3 copies to
27, Danielle Way, Morganville, NJ 07751
Ms. Bo Mathes
2926 Plaza De Viola
Sierra Vista, AZ 85650-4222
Copies = 2
Thank you!
If you have any glossy copies available, please send (3) to 2508 Ravens Crest Drive, Plainsboro, NJ 08536
Thank you.
Hello Michael,
Could I please get 2-3 glossy copies sent to:
18500 w. Corporate Dr.
Suite 250
Brookfield, Wi. 53045
Can you please mail 2 glossy of the SCRUM Reference Card to:
Venkat Subramanian
37342 Lantana Cmn
Fremon, CA 94536
First off, MJ, thank you so much for this guide. I was prompted by an interviewer to ‘go study scrum’ and with this guide, you have enabled me to learn so much information, at my own rate of time, and for free. On top of the guide and your digital reference card, you’re mailing glossy colored copies to people for free! This is just amazingly generous of you and I wanted to point that out. And thank you!
Adding in response to that, though, I’m noticing a large number of responders who did not follow your one and only instruction, posted at the top of this commentary, and even in bold. It’s doubtful a repeat of this by myself at the bottom will help but here it is anyway.
MJ Post author
April 4, 2014 at 11:01 pm
Send me a private email (mj4scrum at Google’s mailing service dot com) with mailing address and desired quantity and we’ll mail them out to you.
Please do not post your street addresses here, as everyone in the world will be able to read them.
I do wonder if, as a moderator type role, if you (or another with moderator type abilities) might have the ability and the willingness to ‘hide’ the more sensitive portions of information so many people have already publicly posted here?
Thanks Kristy. I’m in the process of converting this site from WordPress to a static site. Among other things, this should finally shut down the comments.
Please send me a glossy copy of the reference card.
Cheryl Palmer
1162 Rockhurst Dr., #205
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Thank you.
Can you please send 2 Glossy copies of the SCRUM Reference Card to:
NEXGEN Solutions, LLC
2896 Turtle Creek Road
Laurel, Maryland 20724
ATTN: Ed Howlette
Thanks so much.
Will you please send me a glossy copy of the reference card?
Sam Grispino
Mail Code 7T
1000 Eaton Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44122
Hi Could you please email me a copy of the reference card?
Thank you.
What is the price for the glossy Scrum Reference Cards? Also what size are the glossy cards?. Thanks
Hello can you send me 20 glossies too. 16910 Redhorse Pass San Antonio TX 78247
Could you send me some glossies also ?
My Address is 11713 Enid Drive; Rockville, MD 20854
Thanks, Robert
I’d love to get 6 copies of the glossy version in English.
11601 Three Oaks Trail
Austin, TX 78759
I would also like about 15 glossies. I do not see a quoted price yet.
Also if you can recommend where I can find a basic lesson plan.
My Address is 7 boone trail. cartersville, VA 23027
Katherine, we’ll send some printed cards to you. CollabNet isn’t charging for these. We have free online training at http://ScrumTrainingSeries.com , and my 3-day course agenda is at http://MichaelJames.org/CSM.
Hello MJ,
Could you please send me 5 copies of the printed cards to the address below?
G&G Outfitters
4901 Forbes Blvd #100,
Lanham, MD 20706
Thank you
Can you please send me 3 copies of the glossy card?
My mailing address is:
PO Box 198
Jenkintown, PA 19046
Thank you!
I would really appreciate it if you could send some glossies to us.
How much do they cost?
Great website and overview of SCRUM methodology for product development and team development. We recently launched a start-up and want to start implementing SCRUM. One questions I had was whether you can apply SCRUM towwards the business itself and not necessarily a product. I am interested in organizing our team (4 people) and planning 2-week sprints using this methodology. Any recommendations?
Diego Rios
Diego, yes there are some people doing that. I think any time we get people together to do complex work it’s useful to set short term goals, determine whether we’ve achieved them, then use the retrospective process to inspect and adapt how we work together. I would also recommend the Lean Startup ideas promoted by Eric Ries.
Hi I would like to get 10 glossies please. Do you mail outside of the US? If yes, please mail to
#209 Kevin Street, Point Pleasant Park Cunupia, Trinidad W.I.
Thanks you.
Great site. 3 glossy copies would be appreciated.
Moxilla Technologies
2816 Sussex Road
Green Bay, WI 54311
Please send 10 copies of the printed glossy cards to
Lisa Lyons
Room A5-4C06
200 Laurel Avenue
Middletown, NJ 07748
Great article! Can I have one glossy copy too? My address is:
Laura Flores
Calle Vizconde de Matamala, 29, 4ºB
280280 Madrid
This is a great, very accurate description of the Scrum process and yes, its countless challenges. Please, send me 2 copies of the glossies.
4810 Cedar Springs Rd, apt. 2102
Dallas, TX 75219
Stanislava Craig
Please send me 10 copies of the printed glossy cards to:
1906 Steam Ridge Co
Apex, NC, 27523
Great job on the Reference Card! Please send 2 copies of the Glossies to:
Supervalu, Inc
Healthcare IT – attn: Trish
3030 Cullerton St
Franklin Park, IL 60131
Definite must have reference cards for our Scrum Development Teams!
Please send 20 copies of the printed glossy cards to:
Ardent Management Consulting
c/o Kaleo Paderes
Maui Software Development Department
1305 North Holopono Street, Suite 4
Kihei, Maui, HI. 96753
I would also like to have a golssy (or 2) for my team and company.
Scott Brothers
4000 International Parkway
Carrollton, Texas 75007-1913
ATTN: Scott Brothers
Thank you so much. If there is a fee please let me know.
Great site! I had no background in management before reading up on SCRUM. Now I have a very good idea what SCRUM is used for and how it would be beneficial for us. I would like 10 copies of this Reference Card in glossy please.
Nice presentation for newbies, I liked that.
Please send 5 copies of the printed glossy cards to:
Dan Prichard
294 Grove Lane E, Suite 100
Wayzata, MN 55391
Thank you!
Could you please send me 10 copies of the glossy reference cards? My address is:
Digital Innovation, Inc.
302 Dove Ct
Forest Hill, MD 21050
I would love to have 10 glossy copies of the scrum reference card.
Could you please send them to:
24283 SE 12th Ct
Sammamish, WA98075
Thanks for the great work!
I would like 5 copies of this Reference Card in glossy please
Kevin (and everyone else), I’ll see your requests a little faster if you email them to me. My email address is mj4scrum, using Google’s mail service. Also, we need a physical address or PO Box to mail you stuff. Thanks!
Please send me a glossy hard copy Reference Card
Auria Roman
109 Floral Vale Blvd
Yardley PA 19067
Nice summary! Thank you for posting and making a PDF available.
I am extremely impressed on the quality of your courses and especially the SCRUM Reference Card.
Would you be kind enough to mail or email me the reference card.
Thanks and Best Regards,
1320 Prestonwood Cres., Mississauga, ON L5V 2Z2, Canada
The Training series is very good. Please could you email the reference card to me on novicepm@gmail.com ? I do not live in USA so postal address will not be applicable.
Thanks & Regards
Venkat G
Venkat, would this PDF work for you? http://scrumreferencecard.com/ScrumReferenceCard.pdf
What is your email address? I would love to have some glossies of this reference card, as well, but I would prefer to email you my address rather than posting here.
Shannon, My email address is mj4scrum at Google’s email service that starts with G and ends with MAIL. I’m afraid to spell it out more exactly here because bots scan these pages and I get so much spam!
I am also interested in buying glossies,can you please guide me what should I have to do?
I never find this much comprehensive information.
Fantastic Reference Card. It’s good to have them on the walls of the scrum/dev/IT room and refresh our knowledge every now and then. I would highly appreciate if you please send 4 glossy copies SCRUM Reference Card to:
Asiful Kabir
13630 NW 8th Street, Suite 205
Sunrise, Florida 33325
Thanks so much!
I would appreciate if someone can send/mail me some documents and glossy copy for Agile Methodology and process flow as I am working as QA lead in Agile environment.
Address mail
3413 W 137th St ,Cleveland,Ohio 44111 USA
Awesome Reference Card. It’s good to have them to refresh our knowledge every now and then. Appreciate if you can please send 2 glossy copies SCRUM Reference Card to:
Maninder Singh
30 Redwing Court
Brampton ON L6Y3Y8
Thanks so much!
HI, Fantastic for getting an overview of when to use SCRUM, and how to go about implementing it.
Can you please forward 4 glossies to:
Michael Wilson
Suite 1a/53 Burswood Road
Burswood, WA
This sites is heaven Sent. I would love a printed Glossy version of this Reference Card. I lost my Project Management job 3 months back and need to brush up on Scrum for Certification
Rich Medica
4316 E Windsong Drive
Phoenix, AZ 85048
Mr. James,
Any objection to me using some clips (properly cited of course) from your scrum reference card in a lecture I do for a Project Management Master’s Degree Program at Northeastern University? It is just an introductory course and this particular lecture serves to give students the flavor for various project life cycles. Your charts are very well done and I’d like to point students to your work here if they want to dig further.
It would be great if I can get more information on Burndown Chart, Sprint Velocity and other terminologies.
Dear All,
I am an English teacher and would like some copies of the SCRUM Reference Card to use them in my English Class. I have found it very interesting.
Résidence mansourya II, Imb 32, N° 5, El Qods,
Sidi Bernoussi,
Casablaca 50000,
My Best Regards,
Awesome Reference Card! Would you be able to send me 3 copies to the following address:
Danielle Nathan
540 Potomac Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14222
Great info…It would be great if you could send 4 glossy cards in english to the below address.
2268 orleans ave,
Great Reference Card. It’s good to have it to refresh our knowledge. Appreciate if you could please send 2 glossy copies SCRUM Reference Card to:
I would be interested in 5 glossy copies.
My address is:
2884 Devils Glen RD
Suite 145
Bettendorf IA 52722
Thank you
Can I please get 5 glossy reference cards? This was excellent!
Please send them to:
6050 Dry Ridge Rd.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45252
Thank you!!!
Can you send me 8 glossy reference cards for my group at UT?
Patty Quick
3627 Leadville Drive
Austin, TX 78749
Please mail me 5 copies of the glossy reference card to:
10 Bay Street Landing, Apt 3H
Staten Island, NY 10301
Estaban Luego
Can you please send 5 copies in English to:
Michael Potash
95 Hockanum Blvd #4302
Vernon, CT 06066.
Thanks a bunch. Mike
Can you please send me a glossy reference card to:
777 Central Blvd
Carlstadt, NJ 07072
Thank you!
Is there a way you can send me 2 copies of the reference cards to:
AMS Consulting Services
4618 Concord Circle
Easton, PA 18045
Its a great reference card.Thank you for compiling all the important information.
-Neelam Malik
Please send me 2 copies of the reference cards to:
Dr. Monica Ugbaja
Lockheed Martin Corporation
2345 Crystal Drive, Suite 300
Arlington, VA 22202
Can I Get 15 copies to Michael Potash, 95 Hockanum Blvd #4302 Vernon, CT 06066…thank you.
Can I please get 5 copies of the card?
Darkstar Design
1100 Kermit Drive
Suite 204
Nashville, TN 37217
Thank you.
Please could you send a copy of the card to 2612 Park Green Way, Glen Allen, VA. 23060
Thank you, Francesca
Can you please mail me a scrum reference card:
Mary Lou Mousseau
Optum Corp
400 Capital Blvd – CT040
Rocky Hill, CT 06067
Please send me 2 copies of the card.
Jim Keith
38314 Roycroft Ct.
Livonia, MI. 48154
Thank You.
Would love one (1) copy of this in the previously mentioned glossy printout format!
H. Rahr
10001 Innovation Drive Suite 100
Milwaukee WI, 53226
Would you please send a glossy of this information to:
J. Pleiman
4259 Chastain Pointe NW
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Thank you very much.
Great valuable information! Thank you.
Please send printed glossy to:
P O Box 879
Lorton, VA 22199
could you please send a glossy of this information to:
This is very useful Information. Thank you so much for that.
Would love 2 printed copies of this reference card. Please mail them to:
Manikanta Gudipati
3180 W 14th Ave Apt 322,
Denver CO 80204
Nice Document.. Was very helpful.. Nicely explained along with the diagrams.. Keep up the good work !!!
I would like to have a printed copy of this reference card. Please mail it to:
S. Harclerode
25 Catalpa Drive
North East, MD 21901
Thank you for your site. It does a great job in explaining the Agile methodology and SCRUM in particular.
Please send 1 copy of scrum glossy reference cards to:
Ray Stephens
1120 Marblehead Rd.
Jacksonville, FL. 32218
Thank you very much.
I just wanted to say that your website and links have been an invaluable help to my career. Thank you. You are helping to put food on my family’s table and for that I am indebted.
Can you please mail 2 glossy of the SCRUM Reference Card to:
Daniel Mocciolo
273 Strickland Street
Fairburn, GA 30213
Very well written!!
We follow the exact Scrum Process in our Team.
This is absolutely GREAT information. I teach part time at some of the universities around Pittsburgh, including Carnegie Mellon. Could you please e-mail me? I’d like to pay you for 50 copies.
Could you please send me two glossy cards? This information is extremely helpful. Thank you!
Liz Squire
1809 Louisiana Ave S.
St. Louis Park, MN 55426
Hello, I was wondering if you still have any of the Scrum Reference cards left? I would love to have a few for myself and co-workers. I am in a new position and will be expected to assist the product owner in All things Scrum. I am finding your materials very useful and could use all of the education I can get.
Thank You,
Tracy Green
720 N. Joe Wilson Rd
Cedar Hill, Tx 75104
This is a very good source of resource for scrum practices itself. Thank you.
Can you please mail 10 glossy of the SCRUM Reference Card to:
Premkumar Krishnan
A4 Telford Road,
OX26 4LD
Will be starting a new job and know this information will be a huge asset. Please send 10 copies of the printed glossy cards to:
Brad Gan
1836 Maple ave
Northbrook, IL. 60062
This is awesome. Could I get 4 copies of the glossy print-out. Send to Greta Cobb – 1523 Argonne Drive, Baltimore,MD 21218…Thank you so much!
Can I please get 10 copies of the card?
Thank you very much!
Shinyokohama Kaneko Building 9F
2-3-9 Shinyokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama 222-0033, Japan
You can email me at: maureen@alink-group.co.jp
This is great information, and very helpful for someone like me preparing to interview for a position on a scrum team for the first time.
Please send 5 copies of the printed glossy cards to:
Nexus IS
Attn: Bryan Arndt
5200 Franklin Dr,
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Thank you!
Great Post. Can I get 2 copies of glossy if you can send it outside US to India. Let me know so that i can post the address.
would it be possible to get 3 of these printed on glossy paper cards and sent to my company? We are adopting scrum and trying to get organized and having a nice printed version of this would be very helpful.
Yves Jacobs
4110 George Road
Tampa, FL 33634
Much appreciated!
Would you please send three Scrum reference cards to:
Amy Danielson
Lake Superior Consulting
309 W. 1st St.
Duluth, MN 55802
Scrum is a new process for some of our team and it would be wonderful to have your handy reference.
Thank you very much!
Can I please get 2 copies of the printed glossy cards sent to:
G2 Web Services
Attn: Carissa Prati
1750 112th Ave NE, Suite C101
Bellevue, WA 98004
Thank you!
Would it be possible to send three Scrum reference cards to:
Marianne Quan
8441 Warner Dr.
Culver City, CA 90232
This card was very helpful to me and I would like to share them with my fellow colleague. Thank you so much
Could I please get 8 glossy reference cards? Thank you!
Virtus Communications
2111 E Baseline Rd Ste B1
Tempe AZ 85283
Preparing to take the Scrum exam.
Can I please have a copy of the printed glossy cards sent to
924 Commons Road
Naperville, IL 60563
Could I please get 10 glossy reference cards? My mailing address is:
Chestnut Health Systems
Attn: Mike Vacca
448 Wylie Drive
Normal, IL 61761
Thank you.
This is wonderful, MJ! Will you please send 5 glossy Scrum Reference Cards to:
C/O ScrumMaster
Kam Technologies
3687 Wheeler Rd
Augusta, GA 30907
Many Thanks!
Could I get 10 copies of this in the printed glossy cards? I am training my team on scrum
Jeff Pratt
600 12th Ave S
Nashville, TN 37203
Thank you
Can I please get 5 copies of the printed glossy cards sent to:
Carter Stein
State of Oregon, DAS ETS
1255 Ferry St.
Salem, OR 97301-5068
Thank you!
Would you please send three glossy card copies to:
Sree Reddy
1026 La Cadena Ave
CA 91007
Would you please send eight glossy card copies to: 20929 Ventura Blvd, Suite 47259, Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Would you please send 3 glossy card copies to:
64 Empress Alexandra Place
Fredericksburg, VA 22406
Hi! This is a great summary of Scrum. Could you please send me ten glossy copies of the reference card to:
Preeti Sehgal
c/o TEKsystems
1801 McGill College Ave. Suite 1100
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 2N4
Thank you.
Will you please send me a 3 glossy copy of the reference card?
T Chowdhury
148-28-87thRD, 1st FL
Jamaica, NY-11435
Lovely, this was very helpful. I’m new to Agile & Scrum and this helped me understand what the basic process of software development should be.
Please send me three glossy copies of the reference card at the following address:
Kiran kulkarni
7827 N Wickham Road, Suite D
Melbourne, FL 32940
Hi Michael,
I think there’s a typo on Figure 4. I guess you intended to say “Selected Product Items” instead of “Selected Product Increment”.
Thanks for this valuable resource.
Melvin (@MelvinPerezCx)
Hello Michael,
This reference card and your training series are excellent resources. As a coach, I have a stack of reference cards and a sign “take one” hanging outside my work space as an information radiator. This has led to some great introductions and input. Thank you so much for your excellent work!
For the Scaling section, I wonder if including SAFe concepts may make sense. We are seeing some very good scaling using these methods. Yes, it is still difficult, but becoming a bit more doable and measurable with SAFe.
Best regards,
Laura, yeah, the scaling section of the card is very thin right now. SAFe seems to be better than what most organizations are currently doing, but to me it looks more like an 80% traditional, 20% agile hybrid approach. A client of mine wrote “Well, we sorta tried to do the Leffingwell stuff again recently, but I am for sure ready to throw the book in the river.” My concern is that SAFe’s contradictions with Agile principles will not create as adaptable an organization as possible, and this will be blamed on Agile even though (as Ron Jeffries wrote) “SAFe is not Agile at its core.” A more principled set of ideas is now being called Large Scale Scrum. My question is: will this more radical approach will be palatable to many organizations that fundamentally don’t want to change?
If you have any still available, please send: 3 glossy copies to:
1111 Corporate Center Drive
Suite 205
Monterey Park, CA 91754
Thank you!
Can you post the glossies outside US?
Can you please send us 20 copies of the glossy copy?
405 Lake Zurich Rd.
Barrington, IL. 60010
Thank you!!!
Please send me 20 glossy copies to:
Kathy Rupiper
750 Park St.
Des Moines, IA 50309
WOuld love 2 glossy reference cards fro our teams.
Angela Adams-Bauer
419 The Parkway PMB 145
Greer, SC 29650
Could you send me 2 glossy ref cards?
Angela Adams-Bauer
419 The Parkway PMB 145
Greer SC 29650
If you have any still available, please send: 3 glossy copies to:
3251 Riverport Lane
Maryland Heights, MO 63043
Thank you!
Can you please send me 3 copies of the printed glossy cards at following address:
6568 157th street west
Apt 105A
Apple Valley, MN – 55124
Thanks a lot.
Hi and thank you for your hard work for creating these guides!
I would like to request 2 glossy copies please.
Carlos Parrilla
236 W. Portal Ave 176
San Francisco, CA 94127
Thank you!
We are actually discussing and most likely incorporating SCRUM and hopefully moving away from our hyrbrid crappyfall fest of joy! This page is exactly what a bunch of fellow associates need since they are not so experienced with SCRUM. If I can get 10 glossy cards which will cover our team that will be much appreciated. Providing a donation/payment is not an issue.
may need the address…
Suite 700
303 Second Street
San Francisco, CA. 94107
Hi MJ,
I am in South Africa and would like to get the 2 glossy copies of the article.
76 Fairbridge Complex,
Davidson Street,
South Africa,
Hi MJ,
I am new to Scrum Master.
Please send me any other available glossy copy articles that you have available.
Thobela Maponya
May I please have 5 glossy cards sent to me? This is great information to have, especially when individuals or groups think they know SCRUM and really do not.
Please mail to:
108 Runaway Bay Dr.
Apt 111
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Thank you!
Can you please send me 1 copy of the printed glossy cards at following address:
18805 Meadow Creek Drive
Mokena, IL 60448
Thank You!
I believe it is a sin that I have not stumbled upon this ever before. Amazing MJ. Would like to connect with you.
Please share your linkedin to me.
Thanks for the PDF, I have downloaded it
Could I get 10 copies of this in the printed glossy cards? I received 2 a while ago but have given mine away.
Hayley Hinkle
UPMC Enterprises
Bakery Square, Suite 200
6425 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Thank you
Please send me 5 glossy sets, we are working on implementing scrum with our product development team and these would be valuable:
Janita Taylor
8985 Balboa Ave
San Diego, CA 92123
Great info, really helpful
Could you please send 2 glossy cards if they are still available
389 SW Scalehouse Ct. Bend Or, 97702
This is one of the most informative and intuitive videos and pages I have gone through. I really respect what you are doing for most of the people. I am a person who has made my Currier only via learning on-line and now I am running a small company. Please let me know if you require any help ever for development of anything or even videos, I shall do it for free.
Warm regards,
Is it possible to get a glossy copy of your scrum reference card ?
31/530 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3170
Thanks so much
Would you mind putting down the date this information was put together? I would like to use some of this information in a paper.
Thank you
Can I get 12 copies of the printed glossy cards?
Intel corp
2111 NE 25th Ave,
OR 97124
Atten : Andrew Chow, Mailstop Jf3-300
Can you please send 10 printed glossies to 9740 Lost Colt Circle, Las Vegas NV 89117? Thank you!
Can you please send me 1 glossy reference card please?
1844 Palmer Drive
Pleasanton, Ca 94588
Thank you!
It is really helpful for understanding about programing and thank you so much for doing this. Please, may I have printed glossier card My address is 5510 N. Himes ave. Apt#1416 Tampa FL. .Thank you keep up you good work !!!
Could I get 2 printed glossies to the address below? Thank you!
Chris Fowler
114 Woodlciff Lane
Rogers Ar, 72756
Can I get 2 copies of the glossy reference card?
Michel Fradette
2685 S Dayton Way Apt 226
Denver CO
All of you just posted your address in a public place.
I recommend many of you visit some security training websites:
Indeed. I would much prefer people email me their addresses (mj4scrum at Google’s mailing service gmail.com) instead of posting them here. Or find me at https://twitter.com/michaeldotjames .
Would you please send me 10 glossy copies of the scrum reference card.
Could you please send them to:
872 Preakness Ave
Wayne, NJ 07470
I appreciate it.
Thanks for the great work!
I love your cheat sheet can I get 25 Laminated copies?
Rich Medica
4316 East Windsong Drive
Phoenix, AZ 85048
Thank you so very much.
I am leading my company through a ‘baptism by fire’ transition from Waterfall to Agile. The Scrum Reference Card document is really well put together and will serve as a neat ‘ready reference’ document for those across the organisation who are having conceptual difficulties with the transition
I will be most grateful if you could send to me 10 glossy copies of the Scrum Reference Card.
My address is:
Donald Britz, 3 Quarry Farm, South Tawton, near Okehampton, Devon, EX20 2RH, England.
In hopeful anticipation
Thank you
I took all of the training sessions today. Was great. Just what I needed. Would you mind sending me 13 laminated copies of the cheat sheet?
Denise Dunlap
Appteon, Inc.
501 Church Street, Suite 315
Vienna, VA 22180
Thanks so much!
I have a small team of 5 developers, it would be awesome to share copies with them, could I get 5 laminated copies, I would very much appreciate them.
Kory Davis
19 Downing St
Toms River, NJ 08755
Hi MJ,
I am new to the world of SCRUM and the information you have provided is very clear and concise. If available may I please have a laminated copy sent to the address below:
Attn: Jalisa Jackson
One GEICO Plaza
Washington DC, 20076-0001
Thank you : )
Great Refcards! Thank you for sharing this!
Could you please send two glossy copies to this address?
631 Cuyahoga Ct., Columbus, OH 43210
Thank you!
Can you please send me 15 copies of the printed glossy cards?
Jamie Gerace
122 West 26th Street 4th FL
New York, NY 10001
Could you please send 2 copies of the printed glossy cards to:
Roger Thomas
1605 Gig St.
Normal, Il 61761
Is it possible to get a 3 glossy copies of your scrum reference card ?
Richard Monson
5366 W. Orion Hill Cove
West Jordan Utah 84081
Please send me a glossy reference card also.
Sonja Wendt
9941 Ammons Cir
Westminster, CO 80021
Please send 1 laminated card to the following address. Thank you!!
Patti Burkamp
1255 Leeds Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-3403
I would love to get 10 laminated copies for the team.
1144 Parkwood Lane
Stillwater Mn 55082
Hey, this site is great at really simplifying Scrum! I would love to get a few glossy copies. Can you please email me and I can send you my address? Thank you so much!
Thank you for the detailed explanation. If the glossy cards are still available, I would like 5 cards for my team. Please mail to
Melissa Louk
1711 Barton Springs Ct
Allen, TX 75002
OR could you send electronically?
Thank you!
Hi MJ,
Really appreciate your effort. Great and a must read!
Vasanth Krishnan
Great valuable information! Could you please send printed glossy to:
1003 W 225th St,
Thanks in advance.
This is a great source of reference for the Scrum framework. Is there an email address where I can request copies of the reference card? I tried you at mj4scrum@google.com, but it bounced back…
Hi Michael,
Thank you!
I’ve downloaded the Print Version of the reference card above.
BR, Mark
Great Work this is very helpful to understand the Agile/Scrum methodology.
Thank you very much
Excelent information
I would like to translate it to portuguese. Could you give me the originals so I can provide you another translation?
Best regards
Ezequias Rocha
My two cents to agile community.
Here is the version 1.0 of Scrum Reference Card in Portuguese (BR) https://app.box.com/s/re0znyd61akp0tlshgw3ocm2n2jy3acc
Enjoy it.
* Sucesso a todos os agilistas
Excellent writeup on Scrum. I see lot of people asking for glossy print. Thank you for adding a pdf, I downloaded and printed in color. Thanks.